Mushroom Season Preview

We’re at the final stretch of Winter, which means Spring is near. As temperatures get warmer and the snow melts, you’ll find more mushrooms emerging. With so many diverse mycelium strains, you may find a whole range in your vicinity. But how can you know what kids are growing this mushroom season? 


Learning the types of fungi that will be growing around you this spring will give you a new perspective on your area’s flourishing wildlife. Perhaps you have access to some unique kinds that are great for cooking or their healing properties. Or, you may find poisonous, harmful types around you that you need to be wary of. The best way to be sure is to consult a guide that is specifically tailored to your geographic region. You can also look for mushroom hunting groups in your area for advice, meetups, and help identifying mushrooms.


New to mushroom foraging? Check out this video guide:


Here are the most common mushrooms that will be growing in the Spring and where you can find them: 


Morel Mushrooms

These are popular, tasty mushrooms that will have people flocking to the forests to gather. They’re golden, fleshy options, which make them great for including in cooking recipes. Often, foragers will consider springtime as “morel season” as these mushrooms sprout all along the Northern hemisphere. 


Finding morels is almost like a competitive sport due to their high demand. So hit the forest as soon as temperatures become mild and the snow is gone this mushroom season. Look for slopes or pathways leading to ravines or streams since this is where they commonly congregate. They’ll either be in the ground or growing from tree trunks. 


Oyster Mushrooms

Within a few Spring rainfalls, you’ll find good oyster mushrooms in the woods. These mushrooms will usually stay present for the entire season into the summer months. You’ll find them growing on living or dead trees. These are an excellent find in your surrounding woodland areas as a popular, flavorful item in many cooking recipes. They are usually quite clean on the inside and great for holding their structure through various cooking processes so that you won’t lose their satisfying texture. 


Shaggy Manes

These are among the easier to find mushroom prototypes in North America. You can find them in areas you often stroll by, like walking or bike paths, your yard, gardens, nearby parks, etc. One major factor to be aware of if picking shaggy manes is that they are known for their sponge-like properties. This means they will soak up any chemicals surrounding them, like pesticides. You will only want to cook and prepare these mushrooms if they are white. If any black residue develops, they’ve lost their edible qualities. 


Embrace your gatherer side and hit the woods or forests in your area for these common springtime mushrooms. They’re safe to eat and will make the perfect organic additions to your home-cooked meals. You’ll feel a sense of pride for collecting the delicious mushrooms yourself. Be safe and enjoy foraging this mushroom season! You might enjoy it so much that one day you go mushrooming on the mountaintops!

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