24 Ways to Practice Gratitude in 2024
Gratitude is a powerful practice that anyone can start at any time. As we begin the new year, it feels like a fitting time to consider how to bring gratitude into our daily rituals and routines.
Read on for two dozen ideas to inspire your own gratitude practice.
Keep a journal. Researchers have actually studied the impact of writing down why you’re grateful. The potential benefits? Less stress, better sleep and a better emotional “IQ” (awareness of your emotional state).
Share your favorite things. “Favorite things” parties are a holiday trend where each guest brings a certain number of things they love. It can be something special yet simple, like a Gratitude Chocolate Bar. Keep that routine going throughout the year by giving gifts “just because” as a way to express your gratitude for someone special. You can also share crafts or food.
Put up a whiteboard in a shared space. This is a great activity for families, roommates or even certain workplaces. Each day or week, write down a reason why you’re grateful. Let others add their own reasons, too.
Pay it forward differently. The trend of paying for the coffee or meal of the person behind you in line can be confusing and stressful for some businesses. Instead, why not practice random kindness by offering a bigger tip for the workers?
Play gratitude “tag." Make a game of gratitude in your family or workplace. Do something nice (give a gift, leave a note, help them with a task or chore). Then they keep the game going by doing something for another person. You can set the rules, such as only acts of service or letters, etc.
Send someone a text or postcard. This is such a simple yet powerful way to connect with a friend or family member you don’t see often. It could be a mentor, former neighbor, beloved teacher or anyone you miss and are grateful to know! There doesn’t need to be a reason or occasion.
Go outside. Nature has a way of keeping us humble. When you get caught up on the little things (and molehills feel like mountains), get out of your head and into the world. You can’t help but marvel at the wonder of it all — and taking some deep breaths in the fresh air will help, too!
Grow something from a seed (or spore). Another wonderful way to connect with nature is by getting your hands in the soil. Plant seedlings for a summer garden or, if space and time are limited, grow mushrooms on your counter.
Watch Gratitude Revealed again. This film “melted this curmudgeon’s heart,” according to one reviewer. When the world feels heavy (as it does so often right now), focus on gratitude.
Then share it with a friend. As a bonus, watch the film with someone else who could use a boost. Not in the same ZIP code? Send them a link to the film and remind them you are grateful for their presence in your life.
Flip the narrative. Positivity can positively impact the brain — but there can be too much of a good thing. When life feels hard, look for the silver lining while still acknowledging challenges. This can remind you that there are brighter days ahead.
Make it part of every meal. Take a moment to offer gratitude for the food and those who prepared it before taking your first bite. This mindfulness habit may help break the ice with teens and tweens!
Use the good china. Wear the nice scarf. Burn the good candles. How often have you purchased or been given something nice only to set it aside for a rainy day? Make today that rainy day. Use the nice things and think about those that made the experience possible.
Make a gratitude jar. Write down reasons to be grateful, each one on a slip of paper. Place them all in a jar. When your gratitude bank starts to dip, reach in and read one. Place that note where you’ll see it and be reminded. Keep reaching in (and replenishing) as needed.
Send a thank-you note. While these can feel like an obligation at times, flip the narrative here, too. Think about the person — and relish the opportunity to say something nice to them.
Focus on the outcome, not the work. When the laundry or dishes are piling up and you want to do anything but chores, focus on the “after.” How grateful will you be to drink coffee from your favorite mug tomorrow? How wonderful will it feel to slide under fresh, clean sheets tonight?
Honor the work of others. At home and at work, call out the accomplishments of those around you. Don’t let things “go without saying.” Say them!
Collect your favorite quotes. Words are powerful. Surround yourself with reminders of the ones that call to your soul. Whether you paint them on a canvas or jot them on a sticky note, look for mantras and mottos that keep you focused on what matters most.
Connect with your elders. Loneliness is an epidemic in our society, especially among older adults. Carve out time to call or visit the elders in your life. It can be as simple as inviting a neighbor for tea, sending your great-aunt a letter or calling your parents.
Focus on the here and now. Ground yourself in the present to reconnect with gratitude. What do you see, smell, hear, taste and feel? Check in with your senses when things feel overwhelming, focusing on why you’re thankful. Nothing is too small!
Let go of expectations. Do things just because, without expecting reciprocation. Consider doing a nice thing secretly, without sharing with anyone or on social media.
Make a collage. If words aren’t your forte, grab a stack of magazines and upcycle them into a collage. Cut out images that reflect why you’re grateful for today — and what you envision for your future.
Snap a photo and share it. Use social media as a tool for good in the world. Share pics from your daily life, with captions on why you’re thankful. Give your favorite people a shoutout just because.
Leave a review. If you like something, say something! This is one of the most important ways you can support a business or a creator. That includes your favorite products from our shop!
And as we kick off 2024, we have to say: We’re grateful for you. Without our community, Fantastic Fungi would look a lot different! Thank you for your passion for nature’s wisdom, your curiosity about the fungi kingdom and your ongoing support. May 2024 be a healthy, happy year for each and every one of you.